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Mystic Realm of Divine Romance
The Realm of Maturity
New Course

Welcome to our next blog. For those new to the blog and groups, we focus on the Hebrew aspect of the scriptures. Knowledge of the Hebrew language is not a requirement to be part of this journey, however, it will inspire you to know more. If you are new to the Hebrew Letters, below is a link to the intro course on the Living Letters. When you look to the right of the blog you’ll see categories that you can browse. There’s no specific starting point, but i do suggest you work through the Hebrew Letters. The blog and the Wednesday group activation goes hand in hand.
The podcast
The podcast for the blog appears at the end of the blog. The Throne Room engagement recordings are added on Mondays, so when you go to the previous blogs you’ll find them below the podcast. Not all engagement recordings are public so they are only accessible through the blog. Thank you for being part of the journey.
Mystic realms of Divine Romance – Realm of maturity
We have come to the end of an incredible journey in The Mystic Realms of Divine Romance. It might be the end of a series, but your journey has only started. Next week we start with Mystic Realm of the Heart of Yahweh
Song of Song 8:2 TPT
2 I long to bring you to my innermost chamber — this holy sanctuary you have formed within me. O that I might carry you within me. I would give you the spiced wine of my love, this full cup of bliss that we share. We would drink our fill until …
Through this series we’ve discovered the inner chamber in a real and passionate way. Jesus unlocked realms of consciousness of the sanctuary that abides within us, and we have drunk from the blissful spice laden wine of His love. It is ecstasy to drink something that is bottomless.
Song of Song 8:5 TPT
5 Who is this one? Look at her now! She arises out of her desert, clinging to her beloved. When I awakened you under the apple tree, as you were feasting upon me, I awakened your innermost being with the travail of birth as you longed for more of me.
How proud Yahweh is of you. Allowing Him to delve in the depths of your sanctuary, He could turn deserts into an oasis of intimate love, growing passion within your heart to cling to His countenance. Your vulnerability allowed Yeshua to awaken realms of His intimacy taking you ever deeper in a journey of blissful discovery of His passion for you. He planted seeds of intimacy opening up doorways to birth clusters of His fruit divine. This is only the beginning.
Song of Song 8:6-7 TPT
6 Fasten me upon your heart as a seal of fire forevermore. This living, consuming flame will seal you as my prisoner of love. My passion is stronger than the chains of death and the grave, all-consuming as the very flashes of fire from the burning heart of God. Place this fierce, unrelenting fire over your entire being. 7 Rivers of pain and persecution will never extinguish this flame. Endless floods cannot quench this raging fire that burns within you. Everything will be consumed. It will stop at nothing as you yield everything to this furious fire until it won’t even seem to you like a sacrifice anymore.
Don’t allow this fire to fade. Cling to Him with all your heart for He is your life and the end of your days. As a prisoner of His love, may the lightning flashes of His love continue to tear apart the old and infuse the blissful ecstasy of the raging fire ablaze within His heart. Fire entangled with fire is a lava infused chamber of passion that is impossible to quench or burnout.
Song of Song 8:9-10 TPT
But now I have grown and become a bride, and my love for him has made me a tower of passion and contentment for my beloved. I am now a firm wall of protection for others, guarding them from harm. This is how he sees me—I am the one who brings him bliss, finding favor in his eyes.
That last phrase is so profound. As you mature in your wine filled passion for Him, Yeshua indulges IN YOUR BLISS and finds Himself lost in your eyes as He showers you with favor. Maturity escalates our ascension as we continue to recklessly abandon all other love for His. Don’t trade your heart at the expense of His. You are His most valuable lover, His passionate love interest… As a New Creation being, you are His Mystic Realm of Divine Romance.
Activation Prayer
My heart is filled with love divine and thankfulness are its fruits sublime. I do not possess the vocabulary to express what you have done within me. Don’t stop. My heart is yours, and only yours. So lost do I want to be in You I cannot recognise myself, just completely entangled to your face enraptured in your breath.
© 2022 Throne Room Mystic Ministries
ZOOM LINK (click zoom link to go direct)
Topic: TRM Ascension Group
Time: Jul 27, 2022 07:30 PM Johannesburg
Meeting ID: 882 4589 2883
Passcode: love
COUNTDOWN TIMER TO ASCENSION (click to view timer for any time zone calculation)
ASCENSION Group details below – Ascensions are recorded and available on the TRM YouTube channel
Join our group on Wednesday evening as we engage in an activation and practical how to. Our group meets in the evening South African time 19:30 (+2 GMT).
NZ – Auckland 5:30 am (Thursday)
AUS – Perth 1:30am (Thursday)
AUS – Brisbane 3:30am (Thursday)
CHINA – Beijing 1:30am (Thursday)
UK – London 6:30pm
SWITZERLAND – Zurich 7:30pm
CANADA – Calgary 11:30am
US – Los Angeles, Cupertino, Las Vegas 10:30am
US – Denver 11:30am
US – New Orleans, Dallas, Austin, Chicago, Houston 12:30pm
US – Atlanta, Miami, New York, Boston, Charlotte 13:30pm
AFRICA – Lagos 6:30pm
© 2022 Throne Room Mystic Ministries