IN HIM – Let it go

Angelic Realm,Immortality,IN HIM,Kingdom Keys,New Creation being

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 Let it go

New Course

Welcome to our next blog. For those new to the blog and groups,  we focus on the Hebrew aspect of the scriptures. Knowledge of the Hebrew language is not a requirement to be part of this journey, however, it will inspire you to know more.

 The blog and the Wednesday group activation goes hand in hand.

The podcast

The podcast for the blog appears at the end of the blog. The Throne Room engagement recordings are added on Mondays. You’ll find the previous ascension recordings on the TRM YouTube page. Thank you for being part of the journey


IN HIM – Let it go


Colossians 1:17 is a powerful verse that speaks to the divinity of Jesus and his role in creation. It intrinsically entangles his DNA in all and that He is the life source of all that exists.

This verse is both profound and mysterious, as it echoes the את. Jesus is before all things, and He is the one who sustains the entire universe. As the beginning and end, we complete time IN HIM. In that space, time has no boundary. With no boundary, it possesses no decay, time is deathless… which means for you and me, time has no end.

Creation cannot sustain itself, so to look to self is self-destructive. Are you hearing what I’m saying? As the source of all, Jesus is calling you to LET GO. As soon as we allow self to take charge, decay looks for a gate, but to allow the source of all to take charge, we allow life and immortality to express itself in your daily dealings. To trust IN HIM means to allow that area of your life which you are dearly holding onto to let go so His life and resources may flow through you.

Is there something tearing you apart…relationship, finances, work, etc.?

If all things hold together IN HIM, you need to take the very issue and consciously place it IN HIM so that the life force, which is Jesus, can be the beginning and the end, i.e., the את, and bring what is falling apart to be made whole again.

Jesus is the gate sustaining the universe. It says “in him all things hold together,” so without Jesus, the universe would fall apart. This is a remarkable statement, as it suggests the universe is not a self-sustaining entity, but requires the ongoing involvement of its Creator to continue to exist. If that’s the case with the universe, why are you trying to sort out your junk in your strength?

Reclaim what has been lost to the sustainer of life.

John 15:5 NIV

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”

Apart is the opposite of IN HIM.

There is a call in the spirit to come back to the place of abiding. You were never meant to do it alone, let alone trying to deal with your mistakes by yourself. Therefore, it is so important for you as a son of God to remain consciously entangled in Him. To abide in him and allow him to work in and through us.

There is a fundamental order and purpose to the universe that is rooted in the person of Jesus Christ. The idea is echoed elsewhere in the New Testament, such as in Ephesians 1:10, which speaks of God’s plan “to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ.” Misalignment happens, we grow and learn, but guilt and condemnation seek to enforce the misalignment and the lie that you don’t deserve it.

Living intoxicated in the את, we find meaning and purpose in our lives, aligning ourselves with God’s fullness and completion.

Colossians 2:7 AMP: “Having been deeply rooted in Him and now being continually built up in Him and becoming increasingly more established in your faith, just as you were taught, and overflowing in it with gratitude.”

Through our connection to His divinity, we can experience the fullness of His glory, drawing life from the very source of all existence. He transcends us beyond all human understanding and awakens our own divine identity resting in our primordial state. When we are deeply rooted in God, we know we are not separate from the Divine, but an expression of His infinite wisdom and love. Everything we do, think and feel, reflects His essence, aligning us with this higher power. Deep calling out to deep invites us to become enraptured into glorious bliss.

Intoxicated in the את, we actualise our existence in Him and release into our circumstances that which we draw from Him. We recognise His infinite power and ability to hold together all things in unison, since all things find their source in Him. As the leaves and flowers of a plant draw their sustenance from the root system, so we draw our life force from Him. As we firmly position ourselves in Him, the essence of who He is flowing through us and carries with it the life to sustain, heal, and restore all things.

Ephesians 2:22 AMP: “In Him you also are being built together into a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.”

He continually builds us up in Him, allowing us to grow and relinquish what we hold on so tightly and live in ecstasy. We are not content to become stagnant, but empowered and motivated to pursue the mysticism of His true nature and to deepen our understanding of letting go into His ways.

As New Creation beings, it built us into a dwelling place where the life source of beginning and end manifests in completeness. We are not passive recipients of God’s nature, but active participants in the process of creation and restoration. Through our divine connection, we can tap into a source of infinite wisdom, love, and power, transcending our human limitations. We can access a higher perspective that allows us to see beyond the limitations of the physical world and to perceive the blueprints within our primordial being and what our original call entails. Your mistakes are part of the process.

Activation Prayer:

Jesus, as the beginning and end of all, I relinquish that which I hold on to in my strength. I release the shame and embarrassment of my control and mistakes and reposition all back into You, the presence that builds up, restores, and holds together.

You are welcome to join in on the ascension Wednesday, details below, recordings on the YouTube channel.

© 2023 Throne Room Mystic Ministries

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Join Zoom Meeting

Wednesday 29 March 2023

South Africa 7pm

Meeting ID: 864 4550 4559


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Ascensions are recorded and available on the TRM YouTube channel

© 2023 Throne Room Mystic Ministries

Tags :
Angelic Realm,Immortality,IN HIM,Kingdom Keys,New Creation being
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