Welcome to our next blog. For those new to the blog and groups, we focus on the Hebrew aspect of the scriptures. Knowledge of the Hebrew language is not a requirement to be part of this journey, however, it will inspire you to know more.
The blog and the Wednesday group activation goes hand in hand.
The podcast
The podcast for the blog appears at the end of the blog. The Throne Room engagement recordings are added on Mondays. You’ll find the previous ascension recordings on the TRM YouTube page. Thank you for being part of the journey
Frequencies of Wisdom –
What will you look like when wisdom is displayed through you
Daniel 5:14–16 NIV
I have heard that the spirit of the gods is in you and that you have insight, intelligence and outstanding wisdom. The wise men and enchanters were brought before me to read this writing and tell me what it means, but they could not explain it. Now I have heard that you are able to give interpretations and to solve difficult problems. If you can read this writing and tell me what it means, you will be clothed in purple and have a gold chain placed around your neck, and you will be made the third highest ruler in the kingdom.”
Both Solomon and Daniel are exceptional examples of the tangibility and fruits of wisdom, which leads us in our topic for todays blog which will heavily focus on the beauty of wisdoms scriptures:
The Quest for Wisdom and Its Abundant Blessings
In Matthew 11:19, we encounter the Son of Man as He partook in feasts and engaging with society’s outliers – tax collectors, and those shrouded in abundant affluence yet branded as sinners. Many cast judgement, labelling Him as a glutton, a drunkard, a man seemingly lost in decadence. Yet, those who dared to look deeper, those who truly embraced the ecstasies He brought forth, discovered something more profound – the living embodiment of Yahweh’s wisdom.
Proverbs 4:5–9 imparts a powerful directive. “Pursue wisdom, pursue understanding,”. Remember these words, let them not escape your grasp, nor should you let your path diverge from them. Renounce not the wisdom that seeks to be your shield; offer her your love, and she shall become your guardian.
Here lies the true genesis of wisdom: seek it out, even if it demands your all. In this quest, understanding is your prize. Cherish wisdom as your trusted confidante; hold her close, and she will hold you in high esteem. She will bestow upon you a garland of grace and a crown opulent with glory.
Proverbs 17:24 and Proverbs 21:20 shed light on the contrasts between the wise and the foolish.
A discerning person holds wisdom in constant view, yet the fool’s gaze drifts aimlessly towards the farthest corners of the earth. A sage person stores up choice sustenance, savouring the rich, fragrant olive oil; in contrast, the fool consumes their resources with reckless haste.
Benefit 1:
In the realm of wisdom, time becomes malleable. Proverbs 9:11 assures us that with wisdom as our trusted companion, our days on this earth will flourish, and years will be generously added to our lives….IMMORTALITY
The Wisdom of Solomon 6:18–21 reveals to us the binding connection between wisdom and immortality. Love for wisdom is synonymous with abiding by her laws, and those who adhere to these laws secure the promise of everlasting life through the cross. Immortality ushers us into the presence of the divine. The longing for wisdom, thus, becomes a pathway to a kingdom realm. Hence, if you, find joy in the splendour of thrones and sceptres, hold wisdom in high regard, for she shall bestow upon you an eternal reign.
In the realm of wisdom, creativity finds its home. As Proverbs 8:12 reveals, wisdom resides alongside prudence, unearthing knowledge of the most intricate designs. The Cepher translation paints an even more vivid image, describing wisdom’s ability to seek out ‘knowledge of witty inventions.’ A testament to the boundless potential that awaits those who choose the path of wisdom.
Benefit 2:
Divine Guidance
Sirach 4:11-12 tenderly paints the image of Wisdom as a nurturing teacher, providing her wisdom to her children, and offering solace to those in search of her. Those who cultivate love for her are rewarded with a love for life itself, and the ones who eagerly seek her as the dawn breaks are gifted with joy unending.
Venturing further into Sirach 14:20-27, we find a delightful portrayal of the one who dives into the depths of wisdom. They are depicted as a wise seeker who meditates and reasons with thoughtful intelligence, reflecting on the paths that wisdom lays before them and pondering over her mysteries. Like a devoted hunter, they follow Wisdom’s tracks, treading lightly along her trails, peering through her windows, and lending an ear to her whispers. They make their home close to hers, anchoring their life securely in her proximity. They trust their children to her protection, finding shelter under the canopy of her teachings. Ensconced in her cooling shade, they dwell in the radiant center of her glory.
Psalm 51:6 opens a window into the quiet corners of the soul where the whispers of Wisdom connect with the Spirit of the Lord. There, even in the womb, the longing for faithfulness begins. In that sacred place, we are taught the language of Wisdom.
Benefit 3:
Sovereign Tutor
In 2 Chronicles 1:11, a profound exchange takes place. God acknowledges Solomon’s unique request. Rather than seeking wealth, possessions, honor, the downfall of his enemies, or even longevity of life, Solomon has chosen the path less traveled. He has sought wisdom and knowledge not for personal gain, but for the righteous governance of God’s people over whom he has been appointed king. His heart’s desire mirrors the very essence of divine leadership, exemplified by an unquenchable thirst for wisdom.
In Ephesians 1:17, we glimpse a continuous petition to the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father radiating in His glorious splendor. The supplicant is seeking the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, with the heartfelt intention of understanding God more deeply. Here, wisdom transcends mere cognitive comprehension, inviting us into an intimate exploration of divine insight. It encourages us to perceive as God would, elevating our consciousness into alignment with the mind of Christ.
Finally, Proverbs 8:10 pleads us to value instruction above silver and to regard knowledge as more precious than choice gold. In this call, Wisdom beckons us to prioritise learning and understanding over material wealth. This passage invites us to reflect upon the enduring value of wisdom – a treasure that, once acquired, can never be taken away. Thus, as we journey through life, Wisdom remains our constant guide, illuminating our path with her divine light.
As a New Creation being, wisdoms benefits, ascends sonship into divine inheritance, the ability to access what the cross has made available.
Activation prayer
Thank you Jesus that wisdom is my divine inheritance. I honour, value and pursue her with my whole heart. Shower me with her benefits as I unlock realms of ecstasy within her divine chambers.
You are welcome to join in on the ascension Wednesday, details below, recordings on the YouTube channel.
© 2023 Throne Room Mystic Ministries
Zoom Session Details:
Topic: TRM Ascension
Time: Jun 7, 2023 07:00 PM Johannesburg
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 816 7179 4324
Ascensions are recorded and available on the TRM YouTube channel
© 2023 Throne Room Mystic Ministries