Welcome to our next blog. For those new to the blog and groups, we focus on the Hebrew aspect of the scriptures. Knowledge of the Hebrew language is not a requirement to be part of this journey, however, it will inspire you to know more.
The blog and the Wednesday group activation goes hand in hand.
The podcast
The podcast for the blog appears at the end of the blog. The Throne Room engagement recordings are added on Mondays. You’ll find the previous ascension recordings on the TRM YouTube page. Thank you for being part of the journey
Frequencies of Wisdom – Echoes of Righteousness
Proverbs 8:20–21 TPT
I lead you into the ways of righteousness to discover the paths of true justice. Those who love me gain great wealth and a glorious inheritance, and I will fill their lives with treasures.
Proverbs 8:20–21 NIV
I walk in the way of righteousness, along the paths of justice, bestowing a rich inheritance on those who love me and making their treasuries full.
Dictionary of Biblical Languages with Semantic Domains: Hebrew (Old Testament) 784 אֹרַח
784 אֹרַח (ʾō·rǎḥ): n.masc.; ≡ Str 734; TWOT 161a
1. LN 1.99–1.105 road, way, path, i.e., a thoroughfare
2. LN 41.1–41.24 manner, conduct, i.e., a way of life in a person
Dictionary of Biblical Languages with Semantic Domains: Hebrew (Old Testament) 5985 נָתִיב
5985 נָתִיב (nā·ṯîḇ)
1. LN 1.99–1.105 path, i.e., a walkway or trail to get from one place to another
2. LN 42.7–42.28 a means to do, formally, path, i.e., a means to do an act of or function as a figurative extension of a walkway or path to get from one place to another
In the beauty of a relationship with Wisdom the mystery of existence unravels. A romantic dance between hungry hearts and the boundless heavens plays out under the infinite canvas of the cosmos. It’s in the midst of this romantic entanglement where two spirits, you and Wisdom, each with a longing to echo the treasures of a rich inheritance in her.
This scripture is literally a pathway adorned with golden promises and truths hidden in the divine entanglement of righteousness, justice and love above all… a divine symphony of entangled frequencies. Righteousness and justice aren’t just charachter expressions or fruit, but entities. Principalities that entangle with Wisdom to govern the foundations of the throne of Yahweh.
Psalm 89:14 NIV
Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; love and faithfulness go before you.
Two key words are coupled with ‘righteousness’ and ‘justice’….they are ‘way’ and ‘path’.
Psalm 25:4 NIV
Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths.
Each word unearths the image of a celestial path, a guide walking on the road of righteousness, mid the lanes of justice. While both can be broadly understood as ‘path’ or ‘way’ in English, the differentiation between them provides a profound understanding that echoes through faith and spirituality.
Let’s begin with “אֹרַח” (orach) which is the word ‘way’. When you close your eyes to picture an “orach,” imagine a winding path that stretches out before you, shrouded in mystery, leading the sons to an unseen, divine destination. It carries righteousness and the ethical road you are called to walk. This path is not simply geographical; it is an existential journey, a calling that beckons your heart towards greater purpose, nobility, a divine entanglement with the charachter of Yawheh. When two lovers walk the “אֹרַח,” they walk towards a shared journey of spiritual growth, hand in hand, step by step, toward a horizon infused with divine guidance. In the ‘way’, the voice of Jesus echoes, ‘I will never let you go’.
Now, shift to “נָתִיב” (natib) which the word ‘path’. A “natib” is a well-trodden path, marked by the passage of what has been established before us. It’s a symbol of sacredness, of accumulated wisdom and experiences, like age-old footsteps imprinted on the sand, an intimate connection between the present and divine establishment. It’s the path that echoes ‘I am the way, there is no other but Me’. This path, walked upon by generations of sons, sages and mystics, speaks to our innate desire for as He is so are we… our true identity. As lovers embark on the “נָתִיב,” they don’t merely stride alongside one another; they walk in completion, entwined with all those who came before, their love story engraved the scrolls of heaven.
In the celestial dance between “אֹרַח“ and “נָתִיב,” we find a deeper understanding of our spiritual journey with Wisdom. And as we navigate our lifes journey, guided by these ancient pathways, we find ourselves, ever so gently, unfolding the divine heart that beats at the center of all existence, the love and intimacy of Jesus.
These paths, as they carry the principalities of the throne of God, radiates with a golden promise, enduring riches and honor, even treasures untold to those who love Him. It is an echo of the timeless truth that love, in its purest form, brings forth riches far beyond material wealth, reaching into the depths of spiritual abundance and emotional prosperity. Solomon understood these paths, what is established in the heavens, will manifest here on earth.
Together, these verses entwine to create a love letter from the divine, a call to the sons of God to walk a righteous path, a beacon promising blessings and bounty beyond imagination. As we entangle with Wisdom, two hearts delve deeper into these sacred promises stirring the echoes of our gates to resonate His divine image.
As New creation beings, let these paths cradle your heart, guide your steps, and illuminate your way into throne room realities. Let them ascend you, as they have for countless sons throughout the ages, to discover the magnificent riches that lie in the realm of the throne of God, love, righteousness, justice and divine wisdom.
Activation Prayer:
Jesus my love for you is a desire I cannot quench. The hunger to see the true manifestation of your image in me is an ever expanding realm. Activate (orach) and (natib) that I may continue to ascend the pathways of your throne, entangled with Wisdom, lavished with the blessings and riches of my inheritance in You. I LOVE YOU
You are welcome to join in on the ascension Wednesday, details below, recordings on the YouTube channel.
© 2023 Throne Room Mystic Ministries
Zoom Session Details:
There will unfortunately be NO ascension on Wednesday.
Miss you big time.
Ascensions are recorded and available on the TRM YouTube channel
© 2023 Throne Room Mystic Ministries