Frequencies of Wisdom – DNA to Divine Dimensions

Hebrew words,New Creation being,Wisdom

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Frequencies of Wisdom

 DNA to Divine Dimensions

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Welcome to our next blog. For those new to the blog and groups,  we focus on the Hebrew aspect of the scriptures. Knowledge of the Hebrew language is not a requirement to be part of this journey, however, it will inspire you to know more.

 The blog and the Wednesday group activation goes hand in hand.

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Frequencies of Wisdom – DNA to Divine Dimensions.


Wisdom: The DNA to Divine Dimensions

In Isaiah 11:1-2: “A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots, a Branch will bear fruit. The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him – the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of might, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD.”

This passage beautifully encapsulates the seven Spirits of God. Did you notice that each spirit is uniquely housed within the realm of wisdom. For us as sons of God, wisdom is the essential cornerstone, the element that not only broadens our dimensions but ascends you in a divine journey of infinite revelation.

Firstly, Proverbs 8:12 asserts: “I, wisdom, dwell together with prudence; I possess knowledge and discretion.” Here, the synonymous relationship between wisdom and knowledge is evident. The spirit of wisdom and understanding is interlinked with knowledge, pointing to a multi-faceted divine entity that guides and governs. The Hebrew for ‘possess’ also means that wisdom enables you to discover knowledge.

The Book of Sirach 1:1, we are enlightened that “All wisdom is from the Lord and remains with Him forever.” This verse affirms the origin of wisdom as divine and eternal, emphasising her significance as an epicentre of higher dimensions.

The Wisdom of Solomon 7:22-23 offers a glimpse into wisdom’s encompassing nature. “For within her is an intelligent spirit, holy, unique, manifold, subtle, mobile, clear, unpolluted, distinct, invulnerable, loving the good, keen, irresistible.” These scriptures underscore wisdom’s vast dimensions, divine characteristics, each playing a crucial role in elevating your status as a son of God.

Enoch 42:1-2 states, “Wisdom found no place where she might dwell; then a dwelling-place was assigned her in the heavens…She went forth from the Holy One, from God.” It doesn’t mean that wisdom doesn’t dwell in our midst, it’s that she’s been ascended to the higher realms of גדל.

As sons of God, understanding and assimilating these scriptures allows us to understand the invaluable role wisdom plays as an arcing principle in expanding our dimensions. Wisdoms entangles with the גדל (GADOL), meaning ‘higher’ or ‘ascended’ realms of the mind, knowledge and revelation of Jesus. It is not merely an intellectual exercise but a deep, mystical engagement that enriches our entanglement with the divine realms of our sonship in Him. She administers from the ascended realms drawing your spirit to rise into the גדל of your scroll. She sees your original intent.

In Ephesians 1:17: “I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.” Wisdom is the key to an ecstatic understanding of Yahweh. James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

Imagine wisdom as a celestial arc, bridging every divine attribute and revelation of Jesus. Picture it as a cosmic DNA strand within which the very divinity code is inscribed. This divine matrix holds the key to an all-access journey into the mystic realms of Yahweh.

Wisdom is a majestic, divine staircase, ascending the mysteries of Yahweh’s DNA ladder. She is the celestial gatekeeper, wielding keys unlocking the mystical secrets of every realm. These keys, resplendent with celestial energy, serve as conduits for revelation, unraveling the divine mysteries that wisdom guards so jealously.

Consider this, Jesus does not merely display His mysteries like precious jewels under glass. Instead, He entrusts them to wisdom, the revered custodian. She becomes mentor to those who seek her, guiding them towards spiritual maturity. This maturity, like a meticulously cultivated vineyard, yields the capacity to administer the divine secrets, leading not just to the discovery but also to the successful stewardship of these divine mysteries.

She bridges the mortal and the divine, providing a pathway to ascend into the spiritual realms, deepening our understanding, and enhancing our unity with Yahweh. Her mysteries are there to be explored, and it is through this exploration that we, as seekers, can truly grow and thrive.


Activation prayer

Jesus, thank you for the privilege of wisdom. I open the gates of my spirit so wisdom may entangle with my DNA, ascending into the knowledge and revelation of You and Your ways.


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© 2023 Throne Room Mystic Ministries

Tags :
Hebrew words,New Creation being,Wisdom
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